Odoo ERP

Odoo is a powerful business management software that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. By customizing Odoo to match your unique business processes, you can achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and control over your operations.

Customization can bring numerous benefits to your business, such as:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity by automating tasks and streamlining processes
  • Greater accuracy and control by customizing the interface to match your business needs
  • Enhanced collaboration and communication among team members
  • Increased visibility and control over your business operations
  • Better decision making with real-time data and analytics

At Linescripts, our team of experienced Odoo consultants will work with you to understand your specific business needs and tailor a customization plan that suits you. We will guide you through the entire process, from installation to training and ongoing support to ensure that your Odoo customization is a success.

< Precision Crafted Solutions with Odoo Customization >

Odoo Customization Process

GAP Analysis

The first step in the Odoo Customization process is to conduct a GAP analysis. This involves comparing the current business processes and systems with the desired outcome. This allows identifying the gaps or areas where improvement is needed.

Feasibility Study

The next step is to conduct a feasibility study. This involves evaluating the costs, benefits, and risks associated with the customization project. It also includes identifying the resources and timelines required for the project.

Analysis and Requirements Gathering

This step involves understanding the specific needs and requirements of the business, such as current processes, pain points, and future goals. This information is used to create a detailed project plan.


This step involves estimating the cost, resources and time required for the project. This includes analyzing the complexity of the project, identifying the required customizations, and estimating the required resources and timelines.

Customization Planning

Based on the requirements gathered and estimation, a plan is developed outlining the specific customization that will be done to the Odoo platform. This includes identifying the custom modules that need to be developed, the changes that need to be made to the interface, and the integrations that need to be done.

Custom Module Development

Custom modules are developed to extend the functionality of the Odoo platform and match the business processes. This includes creating new features, automating tasks, and integrating with other systems.

User-Friendly Interface Customization

The interface of the Odoo platform is customized to make it user-friendly and intuitive for the team. This can include simplifying navigation, creating custom views, and adding additional functionality.

Customer Approval

This step involves getting the customer's approval of the customizations, ensuring that they meet the requirements and expectations.

Testing and Quality Assurance

This step involves thoroughly testing the system to ensure that it is functioning properly and that all requirements have been met. This also includes validating that all the customizations are working as expected and that the system is stable.


Once the testing and quality assurance are completed, the system is deployed to the production environment.

Training and Support

This step involves training users on how to use the system effectively, and providing ongoing support to ensure that users are comfortable and able to work with the system.

Ongoing Maintenance and Upgrades

This step is ongoing and includes providing support and maintenance to ensure that the system is running smoothly and that any issues are resolved promptly.

< Your Bridge to Excellence >

Why choose Linescripts for your business?

At Linescripts Softwares, we believe that the key to successful software implementation is the ability to adapt to change. That's why we use Agile methodology in all of our projects.

Agile methodology is a flexible and incremental approach to software development that allows us to work closely with our clients to understand their needs and deliver solutions that meet those needs. It emphasizes collaboration, continuous improvement, and flexibility, which allows us to adapt to changes in the business environment and deliver high-quality solutions on time and within budget.

We believe in involving our clients in the development process. With Agile methodology, we hold regular meetings with our clients to gather feedback and make adjustments to the project as needed. This collaborative approach ensures that the final solution is tailored to the specific needs of the business, and that it's delivered on time and within budget.
< FAQs >

Things, you probably wonder.

Our clients frequently want to know the answers to many questions. We've gathered some of those questions here, so that you can quickly get on track with your plans!

What is customization in Odoo?

Customization provides that personalized experience in an application focusing on the client's needs. Odoo provides a fully featured package to meet up any business requirements, but there will always be an extra required by the clients sometimes.

How Linescripts fulfill your business goals related to customization?

Your growing business requirements need customizable software that surely improves overall efficiency and increases productivity. Takes care of business requirements and business workflow while implementing the customization process. We make sure that the customizations meet your perfect business needs and functionality.

What are the steps to customize an Odoo module?

Requirement Analysis in business involves the current study of business functionality, understanding the current problem limiting the business returns and efficiency. Gap Analysis is bridging the gap between the present inefficiencies and enhancing the future efficiencies.

What are all the industries you have customized odoo?

We cover the industries from retail stores, distributors, goods and supplies, Manufacturing, E-commerce, Real estate, construction, Lab management, Warehouse management, Furniture business, Electronic shops ERP, Community management, Pet food distribution, E-learning, and many more.

How much does Odoo customisation cost?

Depending on your needs, your cost to start a Odoo customization is $ per hour or more. It’s important to know what type of Odoo customization you need, and what you’ll need for it because that will directly affect your cost.
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